Blissful. Bookworm. Babyroom.

A book-loving couple with a baby on the way..

It wasn't long before a library themed nursery was born and we couldn't wait to introduce it to the world!

Today we find ourselves reminiscing about a very special nursery and we're sharing all the details, sources and more. 

Our design story began with the Cole & Son wallpaper from the Fornasetti collection. The black & white faux library shelves with vintage books made for the perfect backdrop for this modern babyroom. 

Loved the cathedral style ceiling and the dramatic wallpaper allows this architectural detail to really stand out!

We had Ivy Leagues in mind when it came to choosing the color palette. Yale and Columbia Blue with Princeton Orange and a little bit of California Gold to tie it all together.  


The paper airplane mobile added a small hint of mischief in an otherwise sophisticated theme. We used large wooden blocks in classic typography to display the baby's name. 

The IKEA dresser that doubles as a changing station was transformed into a card catalogue drawer after swapping out the hardware. Another one of our IKEA hacks!  

That adorable tripod table lamp completed the look!

The artwork was custom designed using pages from our mommy-to-be's favorite childhood books and quotes. An inexpensive, yet personalized wall decor. 

That window bench, the perfect reading nook once the little guy grows up! Of course we found the sweetest pillow quote from Etsy that fit right in. Gotta love Etsy! 

Lots to love, from the library sconces to the monogrammed throw pillow, we were celebrating the magic of reading and this is one theme that nobody should outgrow! 

Crib // Dresser // Bedding // Glider // Ottoman // Mobile 

Photos By Melody Melikian Photography